Elevator Technician Jobs | Lift Technicians

Elevator Technician Jobs | Lift Technicians

Elevator Technician Jobs | Lift Technicians

  • Ranked by Forbes as one of the most innovative companies in the world, KONE has been committed to understanding the needs of its customers for the past century, providing industry-leading building elevators, escalators, and automatic building doors, as well as smart building solutions for modernization and maintenance.

  • At KONE, our mission is to improve the flow of urban life. Our job is to make the best of the world’s cities, buildings, and public spaces, and we believe that cities are part of the solution for better living.

  • Be at the core of KONE as a technical expert - an everyday hero who makes people’s lives easier. We are proud to offer a range of experiences and lift technician jobs in Dubai that will help you achieve your career and personal goals.

KONE Elevator Technician Jobs for Professionals and Technical Experts

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For technical experts and elevator technicians hiring jobs, we offer the opportunity to work within landmark buildings regarded as benchmarks for the industry. In addition to high-tech equipment, we also offer sophisticated services that provide 24/7 performance. In fact, more than half of our sales come from our services.

Your skills help us keep ahead, and we have training centers all over the world to help you develop your KONE elevator career and skills.

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Factory workers and lift installers work in manufacturing in our modern plants around the world. Elevator Installers, repairers, and testers are the experts who take care of the safe and thorough installation of equipment such as elevators and escalators. The service technicians doing elevator maintenance and modernization are the KONE ambassadors, meeting customers on a daily basis to ensure a truly remarkable service every day. Apply now for elevator repair careers like elevator maintenance technician jobs.

We also run educational programs and elevator repair technician apprenticeships for future technical experts. These programs are often organized in cooperation with educational institutions. Contact your local KONE office to see how you can become a technical expert for KONE and apply for elevator and escalator installers and building repairers jobs.

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For future leaders, we offer elevator job vacancies that support personal growth and career development. We also have a management process that includes regular performance development discussions. As a responsible employer with a century of experience, KONE is a great place to build your career.

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For elevator engineers and engineering professionals, we offer an inspiring environment for developing your skills and capabilities. We create innovations together in global teams. KONE offers excellent elevator design engineers jobs & opportunities for job rotation and career development and we have local and global learning programs including elevator technician apprenticeships - some of them developed in cooperation with leading universities.

Check out the exciting job opportunities we offer in different countries!